Is she spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

From LOL: The Life of Leo. Look at the picture of the dance.

Spinning Dancer

Is she spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

For me she is spinning clockwise (if viewed from above), if I focus on her legs and make an effect I can make her spin anti-clockwise.

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iPhone iRony or: How Steve Jobs was an AT&T Hacker

From Real Geek:

Back in 1971, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (founders of Apple Computer Inc.) went into business to build ‘Blue Boxes’. A device that allowed free illegitimate phone calls by faking the signals used by AT&T (Apple’s exclusive network carrier). In the picture, you can see Steve Jobs with a ‘Blue Box’.

I have known for a long time of the Steves’ hacking of the phone system in the ’70s and the business they had in building Blue Boxes, but it only just dawned on me the irony that Steve Jobs is now trying to stop people from hacking their iPhones. I wonder if Steve Jobs can see this irony?

Apple have always tried to brand themselves as rebels, the crazy ones and computer for the creative types, with ad campaigns such as Think Different and the 1984 ad that launched the Mac. With Apple’s current stance on creative people wanting to hack their iPhones is seems that Apple has far more in common with Big Brother than the heroine of the 1984 ad.

Have a look at this revised version of Apple’s “crazy ones” ad on Engadget. The question is, do Apple want the the creative hacker types, the Steve Wozniaks of this world or the Crazy Ones, as their users?

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ABC (au) uses Google Earth to show APEC Exclusion Zone

ABC (Australia) is using Google Earth and Maps to show the APEC Exclusion Zone. The Australian national broadcaster is offering a kmz file showing the CBD Exclusion Zone on their web site.

The same information is available using Google Map on their web site (although not in the 3D of Google Earth)

What a great use of Web 2.0 technologies.


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Why Safari on Windows?

When I watched the WWDC keynote found it interesting that when talking about how Safari on Windows would increase Safari’s share of the browser market, that Steve Jobs’ slide showed IE’s share staying static and Safari’s share increased at the cost of Firefox etc. Jeff Waugh’s post and flickr post got me thinking about this some more, so here are what I see as the logical consequences of Steve’s hope/prediction:

  • If every one on is using IE or Safari this implies that every one is using an OS that IE or Safari will run on: Windows or Mac: Every user of Linux (or other non Apple or MS OSs) will switch to Windows or Mac, and not user Firefox.
  • As a result of Apple releasing Safari for Windows, all Mac Firefox users will dump Firefox for Safari on the Mac OR switch to Windows.
  • The net effect will not result in any lose of browser share for IE. I would of thought that Windows user who have installed iTune for their iPod, but have never considered an alternative browser, may be Apple’s biggest potential market for Safari for Windows. Particularly if they bundle Safari with iTune, like they do with iTunes when you download Quicktime.

So why did Apple release Safari for Windows? Some have suggested that it has to do with ad revenue from the Google/Yahoo search bar, I think the primary reason is the iPhone. By releasing iTunes for Windows, Apple didn’t let the Mac’s low OS market share limit the sales of iPods. It seem that developer’s only way onto the iPhone is via Safari and Apple wants both Mac and Windows developers to developer for it.

That is why we now have Safari on Windows, but why did Steve’s slide show Safari taking market share from all other browser other then IE?

A lot of thought goes into every slide in a Steve Jobs keynote, there must be a reason for this slide. Could it be that Apple does not want to be seen as going after MS’s IE?

The only thing I know is that I will continue to using Firefox as my primary browser on all OSs.

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Safari on Windows

Jeff Waugh sums up Apple’s release of the Safari browser for Windows fantastically with:

Leopard’s Safari on Windows? Really puts the cat among the foxes.


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Thank You Cory, Thank You Google

While watching Authors@Google: Cory Doctorow I thought Thank You Cory, Thank You Google. While I had heard the majority of his thesis before, Thank You Cory for talking about these issues and fighting for our rights.

Thank You Google:

  • for inviting people like Cory Doctorow to talk to your employees, you are such a powerful part of the internet, it’s great that your employees are being exposed to ideas such as those of Doctorow’s.
  • for releasing this video on to the web for others to be exposed to.
  • for allowing and then releasing to the internet, views that are to some what critical of you.
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